7 Ways to Promote Your Child’s Development
As parents, we want to do everything we can to give our children a leg up in life. That means stimulating their development as best we can. Here are a few ways you can promote learning.
1. Provide plenty of toys
You want to make sure your child has plenty of open-ended toys. Toys give your child a chance to experiment with their environment in a safe way. Stuffed animals are great because they simulate human interaction (because they have humanoid features – faces, arms, legs, etc.).
2. Provide lots of tummy time
You should be starting tummy time around two months-old. Tummy time gives your baby opportunities to learn motor skills and exercise those little muscles. At first, place your baby on your chest so she gazes into your eyes and doesn’t feel afraid. Them, you can move your baby on to a blanket or activity mat. Do tummy time for just a few minutes at a time until she becomes comfortable with the position.
3. Talk to your baby
Babies begin developing language at a very early age, even though they can’t speak. Speak to your baby often, even though you don’t expect a response. When your baby does make a noise, reply with an upbeat, exaggerated expression. Talk about your day, what’s happening nearby, or what your plans are for later.
4. Turn off the screens
During the first year, babies need human interaction and less screen time. They need feedback from other parties to learn. For example, when your baby uses a word, you or your partner would praise her for her efforts and correct her if she was wrong. A television character, however, will not provide this feedback.
5. Stimulate those senses
Give your baby opportunities to explore her senses. Let her touch interesting textures, see vivid colors, and hear strange new noises. Experiment with temperatures and fun smells. Every new piece of information you introduce will get filed away. When she experiences it again later, her brain will make all sorts of connections.
6. Meet those needs right away
This is especially important during the first months. Meet your child’s needs immediately to provide a sense of security and inform her that mom and dad will take care of her. This builds attachment and trust by providing predictability and comfort. It creates a platform for other learning because baby doesn’t spend energy worrying or coping.
7. Enjoy interactive play
Play is best when it involves another person, even if your baby is only partially aware of your presence. Peekaboo is a popular game for this. By changing states (hidden and visible), you’re actually teaching lessons in object permanence and physics. If baby plays alone, she wouldn’t have those changing states.
Written by Eva Frecea, CEO sigikid-usa
sigikid is a family owned company whose roots back more than 150 years. sigikid’s German parent company “H. Scharrer & Koch GmbH” was founded in 1856. In 1910, Theo Köhler, the great-grandfather of sigikid’s current owner, took over and introduced toys. When the next generation took over in 1968, the trademark sigikid was born. Eva handles business development in the Americas, creating plush, educational and organic toys.
At sigikid, we put all our focus on playing. Our products are designed to make children happier. To achieve this, we use the most wholesome and important ingredients available: quality and love. sigikid toys are classic, innovative, prestigious, durable, soothing and affordable. We're playfully different!
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