Face masks are part of our new normal and we thought we let our plush toys demonstrate how to correctly wear them.

 We wish we didn’t have to wear masks and look forward to the time where we can safely hug each other again. Until then, we’ll try to make the best out of it, spend time outside whenever possible and eat healthy to boost our immune system.

 Most importantly, we’ll keep a safe distance of 6 feet and wash our hands for at least 20 seconds.

A few basic pointers for using your mask:

  • Wash your mask before wearing (if made of reusable material)
  • Wash your hands before putting the mask on
  • Hold the mask in front of your face by the ear loops and pull both loops behind your ears
  • Ensure the mask covers both your mouth and nose
  • Even while wearing your mask, maintain social distance and sneeze and cough in your elbow
  • Do not touch the mask while wearing it
  • Remove the mask by the ear loops without touching your face
  • Wash your hands after removing the mask

***Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2.***

sigikid USA